Job Ready Program Australia


Job Ready Program

migration agent in melbourne for skilled professionals

This program is for international graduates with an Australian qualification that provides students with the chance to hone their skills and gain employment experience in Australia before applying for a skilled migration visa. These qualifications need to be issued by a Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registered training organization.

Prior to submitting your application to Trades Recognition Australia, you will need to verify with the Department of Home Affairs whether you have the required skill set to work in Australia and that Trades Recognition Australia is the suitable assessing authority for your occupation.

Job Ready Program is a four-step program and each step must be completed before moving on to the next step.

1. Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA)

The first step in the four-step program, PSA confirms the authenticity of your Australian qualification and any earlier employment and /or vocational placement you have taken in an Australian workplace. You need to complete this step to move to the next step.

Are you eligible to apply for PSA?

To be eligible to apply for PSA,

  • You must have been the main visa holder for study in Australia.
  • You must have a qualification from Australia awarded by CRICOS registered training organization and must be directly related to your submitted occupation.
  • You must have finished a minimum of three hundred and sixty hours of employment and/or vocational placement which must be
  1. associated to your qualification and occupation
  2. in an Australian workforce
  3. finished within three years immediately before submitting your application.


How can I apply for PSA?

To apply, register on the TRA’s website online portal by creating a username and password which you will require each time you access the portal. Select the Provisional Skills Assessment link, complete the form and make the payment. Do not forget to print your Provisional Skill Assessment Summary Page. Email the completed and signed summary page together with your documents to [email protected] as a single pdf attachment within fourteen days of the submission date for the application to be registered.

Read the Guidelines before submitting a JRE application.

2. Job Ready Employment (JRE)

The objective is to enable you to acquire experience to better your skillset relevant to your occupation in an Australian workforce and is the second step of the JRP.


Are you eligible to apply for JRE?

To be eligible to apply for JRE,

  • You need a successful Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) outcome
  • You either hold or have applied for a visa that has unrestricted work rights which provides enough time for you to complete your JRP (a minimum of twelve months).
  • You have obtained eligible employment* in your nominated occupation. See
  • You will need to complete your studies before applying for JRE.

Note: A student visa with more than four months validity or a training visa will not be acceptable for this program.

*You must register your current employer’s details and they must meet the requirements listed in the JRP Applicant Guidelines for your employment to be considered.


How can I apply for JRE?

To apply,

  • Sign in to the TRA Online Portal created during registration for the JRP.
  • Select the Job Ready Employment link, complete the application and make the payment of AUD500.
  • Your completed Job Ready Employment Summary Page, Employment Registration Form (ERF), and other required documents as listed in Guidelines (Section 2.2) must be emailed to [email protected] as a single pdf attachment within fourteen days of the submission date for the application to be registered.
  • You will also need to make an Employment Verification Report (EVR).


Employment Verification

You are required to complete at least one thousand seven hundred and twenty-five hours of paid employment over a minimum of twelve months from your JRE start date (the submission of your JRE application unless otherwise varied by TRA). You can state up to three consecutive months of paid employment taken immediately before applying for JRE. More information relating to Australian employment and law is available on the Fair Work Ombudsman website.

The TRA will conduct several online checks regarding the authenticity of your workplace listed in your application and EVR and they may contact or visit your workplace for further verification.


Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) and Pay Evidence

A QPR is a record of the progress of your skills and activities you have undertaken in your workforce and is emailed to you quarterly or as required until you have attained a successful Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA).

The report must be and completed by the supervisor/employer recorded in your ERF and this will be submitted to the TRA- appointed workplace assessor. Hence, it is vital to have an accurate record of the report you undertake in your workplace.

3. Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA)

This step is to evaluate your ability to work in an Australian workplace with the required skill level for your job. Detailed information about the JRWA is provided in the Guidelines (Section 2.3)


Are you eligible to apply for JRWA?

To be eligible to apply for JRWA,

  • You must provide proof of paid employment in your occupation for at least eight hundred and sixty-three hours over a minimum of six months from your JRE start date.
  • You must submit acceptable Skills Progress Report (SPR), Employment Verification Report (EVR), and any other required evidence verifying that you are performing the expected duties according to the standard required for your occupation.
  • Signed EVR from your employer and a confirmation agreeing to the assessment being conducted at your workplace.


How can I apply for JRWA?

Once you receive confirmation from TRA that you are eligible for a JRWA, sign in to the online portal, select the Job Ready Workplace Assessment link, and complete the Summary Page.

The application fee is AUD2,000. As evidence of your assessment at your workplace, your employer or supervisor need to sign the summary page.

Submit your summary page via email to [email protected] as a PDF attachment for the application to be registered.

Note: The TRA must receive your application documents via email and then registered for you to be formally registered for a JRWA.

4. Job Ready Final Assessment (JRFA)

The final step of JRP, JRFA’s objective is to formally acknowledge the completion of your JRP.

This provides you with a skill assessment outcome that can be used to support your application to the Department of Home Affairs for a skilled migration visa.

Detailed information on the Guidelines (Section 2.4)


Am I eligible to apply for a JRFA?

To be eligible,

  • You must have a successful JRWA outcome
  • You must provide proof of paid employment in your occupation for at least seventeen hundred and twenty-five hours over a minimum of twelve months from your JRE start date.


How can I apply for a JRFA?

To apply,

  • You need to be eligible for a JRFA following confirmation from the TRA.
  • Sign in to the online portal, fill out the required information on the Job Ready Final Assessment Summary Page, and pay an AUD150 application fee.
  • Submit your application and print the Summary page. (Do not select the print option on your computer.)

Note: The TRA must receive your application documents via email and then registered for you to be formally registered for a JRFA.

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